
Institut Bicher

Why your metabolism prevents you from losing weight

By Elodie B. 

You tried to lose weight in vain and you don’t understand why the pounds stick to your hips like glue? The plate of your workmate is full of  food compared to yours, however you are the one wearing the extra pounds?

If while reading this you are seeing yourself, you are not alone and it’s not just in your head.

Unfortunately, we are not all equal concerning weight loss. Who or what is to be held responsible? Your metabolism!

Genetics and the multiple diets that you carried out in the past have a direct impact on the volume of burnt energy every day. In other words, even if you eat exactly like your workmate and sweat just like her/him at the gym, it’s likely that you are not both burning the same energy and that you are the one gaining weight. 

The good news? Today it’s not a tragedy anymore and it’s quite easy to reverse the process by taking only a few minutes per day to work on it. It’s clearly a revolution in the weight loss field. This finding has been developed by l’Institut Bicher. Its name? Equilibra Mind.

>> Get to know the innovative principles of Equilibra Mind here

For years, Elodie Bicher, the founder of l’Institut Bicher suffered from weight issues. Despite privations and numerous diets, she was never really losing the excess pounds. Frustrated and annoyed like a lot of people facing this situation, she decided to give up the fight against pounds. 

Finally, the solution came and was very far from hypocaloric diets which usually lead to frustration and privation and accentuate weight problems of thousands of people while annihilating their self-love. 

The researches and works carried out by l’Institut Bicher started with various scientific investigations in the cognitive field. Especially the one from Professor Traci Mann from the University of Minnesota and the work of Douglas Adrian for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. 

L’Institut Bicher has put the ability of our brain on weight loss trigger forward in an astonishing way. If you suffer from weight issues today, it’s because your brain, your hormones, your metabolism are programmed to store instead of eliminating. 

L’Institut Bicher found a way to reverse the process to transform your metabolism.

Besides, a lot of members of the program share that their weight loss was smooth, a goal that they were unable to achieve with other usual methods.

As the Equilibra Mind method take action at source, in your metabolism, your weight loss is unalterable and durable. You can ditch diets which were, more than anything else, restricting long term weight loss like demonstrated by numerous scientific studies and explained in the video.



Institut Bicher : Wellness through body and mind


A. Pascual-Leone, N. Dang, L. G. Cohen, J. P. Brasil-Neto, A. Cammarota et M. Hallett, 1995,  « Modulation of muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation during the acquisition of new fine motor skills » Journal of Neurophysiology, 74(3): 1037-45

Professor Traci Mann from the University of Minnesota, author of « Secrets from the eating lab »

McGill University : Planning and visualization lead to better food habits -

McGill University : The mental work behind medals -

Warning :

Results may vary from one person to another and are not guaranteed.

This is not a medical advice and cannot replace a consultation with a doctor. 

This is not a press release, but an advertisement for the products of the brand Institut Bicher.

This weight loss method doesn’t guarantee miraculous results. It has not been clinically proven but is based upon approaches approved by various scientific studies.

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