L’Institut Bicher creation

L’Institut Bicher was born from the desire to propose an innovative permanent weight loss method without exercise or frustration to people suffering from weight issues.


The Equilibra Mind method has been developed by following studies from cognitive and neurological sciences fields. It appeared that traditional diets’ methods, often based on frustration didn’t give satisfying results and even made people gain more weight after the privation period (NB: because of their harmful impacts on the metabolism). Furthermore, these methods don’t consider an important aspect: our brain impact, its automatic mechanisms on hormones and the metabolism. 


From this observation, l’Institut Bicher developed an innovative method based upon the researches in neurosciences and cognitive sciences. The first results were very encouraging and inspired l’Institut to propose its methods in various countries.


The founder of l’Institut Bicher

The founder of l’Institut Bicher, Elodie Bicher suffered from weight issues during years. 


During her teenage years, her nutrition habits generated an accumulation of pounds, this lead her to experience uncountable weight loss methods. Unfortunately, all these attempts were failures until she understood what really triggers fat loss by the organism. 


Today, she decided to share her finding with a considerable amount of people, throughout programs created by l’Institut Bicher which are available worldwide. 

Institut Bicher: wellness through body and mind

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